Laser Tattoo Removal in Paris by dr Molinari


Traitements de la transpiration excessive ou hyperhydrose des aisselles, des mains, des pieds, miradry et toxine botulique

Laser tattoo removal: an ever-increasing demand for consultation | Dr Molinari, Paris

Getting a tattoo is becoming increasingly popular. As a result, the demand for tattoo removal is rising sharply. We, as laser practitioners, have observed this growing demand from patients wishing to remove a tattoo by laser.

Pigment lasers (which target and destroy color) have been used for many years to remove tattoos.

Tattoo removal lasers: Q-switched and Picosure
| Dr Molinari, Paris

There are two types of laser for tattoo removal, both used by dermatologist Dr. Molinari:

  • The Q-Switched Laser: This is the most widely used device. In use for over 20 years, this laser requires numerous treatment sessions to achieve effective tattoo removal. Each session is spaced at least two months apart to give the skin time to heal.


Picosure Laser: This is a much more recent technology (2014). Few doctors currently have this laser, which provides patients with a high level of comfort during their tattoo removal session. More powerful, the number of sessions with the Picosure laser is reduced. The interval between tattoo removal sessions is just one month. The Picosure laser thus generally halves the time needed to remove a tattoo.

How long does it take to remove a tattoo via laser?
| Dr Molinari, Paris

The time it takes to remove a tattoo with a laser depends on a number of parameters, but also on the laser used.

  • Laser Q-Switched: the average treatment time for a professional tattoo is two years. Blue, green, turquoise, yellow or white tattoos are not removed with this machine, nor are very dense tattoos.
  • Picosure Laser: treatment time averages 6 months for a professional tattoo. Only the Picosure laser can remove blue, green, turquoise, yellow or white tattoos, as well as most very dense tattoos.

The consultation required with Dr Molinari before any laser session will allow him to assess the number of sessions required after clinical examination of the area to be detattooed.

How does a laser tattoo removal session work?
| Dr Molinari, Paris

Depending on the size of the tattoo, the session lasts from a few seconds to around twenty minutes. Laser tattoo removal can be painful, whether performed with the Q-Switched laser or the Picosure laser. The use of an anesthetic cream is recommended.

In the days that follow, daily dressings are required on the newly untattooed areas for an average of two weeks.

What are the side effects of laser tattoo removal?
| Dr Molinari, Paris

  • Risk of white scars (phantom tattooing),
  • Risk of treatment failure: pigmented areas may persist after each session.


It should be noted that these side effects are generally less frequent with the Picosure laser, which offers greater safety.

Regardless of the type of the chosen laser, it is usually very difficult to predict in advance the number of sessions required (i.e. the time it will take and the overall cost), as well as the quality of the result.

The picosure laser, however, is faster and less tedious.

How much does laser tattoo removal cost?
| Dr Molinari, Paris

The cost of a laser tattoo removal session depends on the surface to be treated and the equipment to be used. Dr. Molinari will provide you with an estimate during the pre-treatment consultation at his office.

  • Price of Q-switched laser tattoo removal: from 150 euros (incl. VAT) per session.
  • Prices for Picosure laser tattoo removal: from 350 euros (incl. VAT) per session,.


Traitements de l'hyperhydrose ou transpiration excessive par MiraDry ou toxine botulique à Paris

Laser tattoo removal is a safe and relatively effective treatment today with the arrival of Picolaser from Cynosure.
Examples of results after Picosure laser and Qswitched laser tattoo removal sessions.
Tattoo Remove Laser Paris


Traitements de l'hyperhydrose ou transpiration excessive par MiraDry ou toxine botulique à Paris


Traitements de l'hyperhydrose ou transpiration excessive par MiraDry ou toxine botulique à Paris


“Laser tattoo removal” SFD sheet.